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Monday, September 26th, 2022

Board Members Present: Kristin Mudgett, Erin Cecil, Matt Ferris, Jake Nechrebecki

Call to Order: Kristin Mudgett

Minutes read and approved as read from August 21st 2022. 1st -Jake, 2nd -Matt, all approved.

TREASURY: 1) Update to accounts. Reviewed closely ytd figures from 2021 compared to 2022. Pool is tracking the same ytd except for budgeted expense of the new tables. Electric is roughly 900.00 ytd over 2021. The cost is associated with increase in utilities and keeping the pool open 3 weeks longer than 2021. Landscape is over budget by roughly 3k from 2021. But landscape fell short of budget in 2021 due to the detention basin work being paid in 2022. Landscape will fall over budget this year due to payment of work in 2022 budget. 2) Confirmed Civic Center is reserved for annual meeting January 2023 3) Discussed increases in utilities. Will be something to evaluate more closely to insure annual dues payments cover annual costs. 4) Treasury report motion to approve 1st -Erin, 2nd Matt, all approved

LANDSCAPE: 1) Seed and fertilizer applied. Mums planted at main entrances and pool. Pre-emergent in flower beds added. First time doing this, hoping to see good results next year 2) Matt to walk Friday with trimmers, landscape companies the additional work to be considered for 2023 at entrances and pool. 3) Matt is interviewing and walking a new holiday lighting company Friday. Results at next meeting 4) Mid October sprinklers will be winterized, and water turned off for the season. 5) Detention basin. Self-report due by Oct 1st. 2023 to have completed cattail clean up in Sept vs Nov. Will ask for extension. Jake to confirm Suburban charged 3100.00 last year for clean-up.

WEBSITE/SOCIAL MEDIA: 1) Matt to post a reminder about parking on the street, lawn maintenance and nuisance violations that are consistently ignored by the same property owners. Did discuss the option to invoke the fines amendment if this remains a constant challenge 2) Erin to add Bridget Peoples as contact for Pool Chair to Website

ARCHITECTURE: 1) Requests for new roofs. Should see those begin shortly. Most owners using new material options from recent amendment. 2) Enclaves build has taken possession. Any questions or comments directed to Kristin and Erin specifically. Work is outstanding and board is taking steps to make sure compliance to bylaws and covenants are met. 3) New build 49th terrace. No permits pulled to date. Builder must maintain lot, plant grass, mow and keep erosion to a minimum if they do not plan to build.

POOL; 1) All members reviewed Bailey’s email update with absence. 2) Pool is closed for the season. 3) Pool needs to be winterized, water shut off, and bids taken for 2023 for pool decking, cameras and Wi-Fi.

OLD BUSINESS: 1) Newsletter. Still need pool and Jake’s blog. Newsletter to be sent first/2nd week of October. 2) Halloween parade confirmed. Oct 31st 530 start bottom of Alden. Parade to follow up to Estates back cul-de-sac for pizza.

NEW BUSINESS: 1) Dues. Jake to begin annual dues notice for homeowners. Will mail prior to end of November. Option to set up app based payment using Saddlebrooke email. Jake to look into most cost-effective way to give this option to property owners. 2) Pool chair replacement: Bailey resigned from pool chair for 2023 season. Because board chair’s term is not up, Board can and motioned to have Bridget Peoples finish up term. 1st Erin, 2nd Jake, all approved. Bridget Peoples new pool and secretary chair for 2023.

Meeting Adjourned

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