January 2023 HOA Board Meeting
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
Board Members Present: Kristin Mudgett, Erin Cecil, Marty Dougherty , Jake Nechrebecki, and Bridget Peoples
Call to Order: Kristin Mudgett, president
Minutes read and approved as read from October 30th, 2022. 1st-Jake, 2nd-Erin
38 HOA dues received out of 136 house holds to collect from. Reminders posted on social media.
Update to balance out correction to checking account to reflect true checking balance. Bridget 1st Erin 2nd, all approved.
Erin 1st and Marty 2nd, all approved whole treasury report.
Detention basin job started but not completed by Suburban. Too wet to fully remove all debris. Report submitted and approved by city of Shawnee. Storm water drain to be discussed and voted on at February meeting.
See attachment regarding easement/property owner
RGB billed and paid first installment of set up holiday lights and 2nd installment will be paid after take down within next two weeks.
New bids will be submitted for landscape and holiday lights
New postings and updates regarding annual meeting to social media.
No new updates or requests.
Contractors will provide estimates for treating cracks in concrete deck around pool.
Look into costs for cameras and wifi and other options.
Next meeting will be the annual meeting at the Shawnee Civic Center on Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 10am
New dues discussed and will be further discussed at annual meeting. Vote will be taken at February HOA meeting.