Sunday August 21, 2022
Board Members Present: Kristin Mudgett, Jake Nechrebecki, Matt Ferris, Erin Cecil, Bailey Potts
Call to Order: Kristin Mudgett
Minutes read and approved as read from May 2022 meeting. 1st Erin, 2nd Bailey, all approved.
1. Update
a. Add last year’s year-to-date on budget
b. Look into water and electricity bills for year to date, compare to last year
c. Treasury report 1st Bailey, 2nd Kristin, all approved.
1. Fall over-seed and irrigation, 8/24-8/31
2. Winterization plan
3. Detention basin and cattails, will bid out
4. Future landscape 2023 season
a. Tree trimming
b. Thinning out down Quivira Rd
c. Walk throughs with bids
5. Holiday lights, new company bids
1. Food Trucks
a. Great turn out for first two, the third was affected by bad weather
2. Keep community engaged and post more about neighborhood happenings
1. Tuck Pointing to be done next budget cycle to recoup costs
2. New construction on 49th terrace
a. Builder to maintain lot per the city
b. Possibly not getting new build permit for another year
3. New build in Enclaves will be occupied this week
1. Close date – 2 week extension, possibly around September 19th.
2. Expected expenses 2023 season
a. Bids for concrete work around pool deck
3. Marty gift – wine and $100, 1st Erin , 2nd Kristin
4. New pool position, employ Marty for morning opening
5. Bid out Wi-Fi for the pool, possible security camera for incidents
1. Solar
a. Continuing to research and see what options are out there, ways to include but not decrease property values for sake of the neighborhood. Ex. Solar shingles
1. Fall Newsletter, small write up from each HOA member by 9/26
2. Halloween parade, Oct 31st
a. Matt’s house, 5:30 start, 6 pm pizza
3. HOA member meeting September 26th, 7 pm
Meeting adjourned: 1st Erin, 2nd Matt, all approved