**These minutes are not official as they have not been presented, read, or approved by a majority vote during the following annual board meeting**
Saturday, January 18, 2025
10:18 AM
These minutes are not official as they have not been presented, read, or approved by a majority vote during the following annual board meeting
Board Members Present: Kristin Mudgett, Erin Cecil, Jake Nechrebecki, Bridget Peoples
Kristin Mudgett called to order the meeting
Bridget Peoples read minutes from previous annual meeting on January 20th, 2024. Minutes read, motion to accept, Shawn Johnson 1st, Matthew Fox 2nd, all approved.
All present introduced themselves along with the board members.
Kristin Mudgett, president, lead with an opening and briefly discussed cost of detention basin being a large project. Kristin reminded attendees that there are properties that are in violation of bylaws and they are being dealt with. We are working with our attorney to resolve these issues and violations.
Jake Nechrebecki, treasurer, reviewed treasury report. Reviewed with members that largest cost is utilities like electric, water, and trash. Jake went through all subcategories of spending and reviewed with the members. Treasury report approved, Shawn Johnson 1st, Dean Davidson 2nd, all approved.
Kristin Mudgett, president, has been overseeing landscaping for the 2024 year due to the position being vacant. She asked for someone to step up to take on this position. The detention basin was described and explained location. It was discussed that the primary issue with it now, is erosion and expectations that the city has for maintaining this going forward. There is an increase in the landscape budget to seed and get grass to grow in this basin to prevent cat tails from growing in the area. There will be a cost increase for fertilizer and mulch to the landscaping budget for 2025. Tree removal costs will cause an increase in the budget. Reviewed cost of holiday lights and the current price is doable for now. Concerns were expressed regarding many quotes for lighting trees have been very costly.
HO question: 1700 is current rate for holiday lighting, and if it is raised beyond that, other ideas might be looked at for a lower cost. All agreed.
Bridget Peoples, pool chairperson, reminded members to discuss pool rules with members of household. At the beginning of the pool season, there are usually issues that could be prevented. Reminder that the pool closes at 10pm sharp. No glass can be within the pool gate area. If glass breaks in the pool area, the pool will have to close, be drained and refilled, costing the HOA several thousands of dollars. Camera monitoring of the pool area will continue to deter unapproved entry and vandalism. A new pool vendor will be hired for the 2025 pool season. This will add some to the pool budget for 2025. If your pool fob is not working or missing, a new one can be ordered from the pool chairperson. A $25 fee for a new fob, make check payable to the Saddlebrooke HOA. Updates and maintenance to the pool will be made prior to opening.
Erin Cecil, architecture chairperson, discussed her small budget items. She reiterated the importance of reaching out to her via the website if improvements are wanting to be made. Approval must be received by the homeowner prior to work being started and changes made. Please be detailed with paint colors, type fo shingles, garage doors, or removal of trees from the property. Responses are usually turned around quickly. If there is something in question, reach out first! The board is always happy to answer your questions regarding bylaws. Bylaws are located on the HOA website and are available for reference at www.oursaddlebrooke.com. Homeowners were reminded that we will be moving away from paper communications to save costs. Please see the website for meeting notes and follow Saddlebrooke's Instagram site @ saddlebrooke_shawnee
HO question: who is responsible for repairing and replacing mailboxes?
HOA board: unfortunately this is the responsibility of the postal service, and they should be contacted for service requests.
A motion was made to re-elect Kristin Mudgett to the board. Tom Swanson 1st, 2nd by Shawn Johnson, all approved.
A motion was made to re-elect Jake Nechrebecki to the board. Matthew Fox 1st and Rusty Mudgett 2nd, all approved.
Michael Remmert stepped up and volunteered for the landscape chair position. All approved.
Natalie Shockley has offered to help with communications via Instagram.
Matthew Fox and Susan Omare offered to run the welcome committee that would welcome new home buyers and make them aware of the website and bylaws.
Raising dues for the 2026 year were discussed by the homeowners. Shawn Johnson moved to raise dues by $200 for the 2026 year to cover existing budget costs. All approved.
The 2025 meeting was adjourned.