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Saddlebrooke Homes Association ANNUAL MEETING 2021

Saturday January 16th 2021

Board Members Present: Shawn Johnson, Kristin Mudgett, Jake Nechrebecki

Shawn Johnson, called to order

Kristin Mudgett read minutes from Jan 18th 2020 annual meeting. Brenda VandenBos 1st, Kathie Ridings 2nd, all approved minutes as read.

President Remarks:

It was a different year. Board meetings were conducted via zoom. Finances are in good shape, surplus with the delay of the pool opening due to covid, no community socials, etc. Brenda resigned as treasurer, and board is therefore allowed to appoint and approve a new member. Please welcome Jake Nechrebecki, treasurer. We do have 2 positions available. Bridget Peoples will not continue for another term and the architecture position still available. Shawn thanked Bridget for her service and dedication to the position. The common areas have been better maintained than in the past.


-Reviewed 2020 actual vs budget.

-Went through 2021 budget by line item

HO question “why is the utility expense so high”. Answer: includes repairs for the monument’s electrical panels, and pool exterior light. Trash pick up also is an increase for 2021 which too is in utilities.

-Kathie Ridings 1st, Tom Swanson 2nd. All approved treasury report as written


-Bridget expanded flower beds, moved and upgraded lighting.

-Christmas lights looked great. Please keep in mind the tree at the entrance to the Enclaves is too close to electrical line so cannot take lights all the way up.

-All holiday lights now LED

-Replaced 2 backflow devices this year

-Suburban’s bid to continue with common area maintenance approved for 2021.

HO question: annuals? Answer- would cost 1k min to do annuals. Feel not

Worth the expense


-Shawn took over this board position in 2020 -Saw a ton of home improvements and upgrades with exterior paint, roofs, yard. Thank you

-We understand the need to review roofing materials so we are current with new trends, lighter weight tiles, etc. By laws instruct the Board how to operate and Deeds include the legal jargon and specific rules home-owners are to follow. To change the deeds regarding new roof options, we need 12 months to do so. 1500.00 to file with the county and 2k for the lawyer to write up the regulation change.

-This position is available. This member will need to be able to communicate with home-owners regarding care of property

-Construction in the Enclaves has new builder. Progressing very slow. This is a well-known builder. Roof is on, hvac is in, working on plumbing. Need warmer temps to do the stucco. Shawn has requested site to be cleaned up immediately.

HO comment: Spoke with the city, permit is expired for this new build. City has 2 plans and need the builder to confirm which plans are being used

Prior to permit being issued.

HO question: Do we allow multi family? Concerns because owner

Mentioned renting a level of this home. Answer: No, not allowed by

Deeds and restrictions. Shawn will follow up with owner

HO question: Are cars allowed to park in the cul de sac ? Concerns because

Owner allows parking now and safety issue for emergency vehicles and a

Hassle for neighbors. Shawn to address concerns with the owner.

HO question: Why is this property a 2 car garage? Answer: It is not encouraged but Allowed in the regulations. Concerned owner will do a pad for additional Parking. Board has and will continue to suggest circle drive. Pads follow the same rules as driveways and they can butt up to neighboring property line; no set back rules here.

HO question: fine for builders not meeting timelines? Answer- yes we approved that deed change and is in play, but this home was grandfathered

HO question: how do we proactively answer the rumors about home having 2nd occupancy? Answer: contact codes and let them know. But fine line if 2nd occupancy is a “partner”.

-Shawn will make owner for new build aware of all concerns addressed at this meeting immediately. The key is communication is good and to keep the doors open. Items to address now: cul de sac parking, site clean-up, new permit, multifamily.


-uneventful year. Money saved with late opening.

- Budget for 2021 includes upgrading the pool area. It is a focal point of the community and integral part of our curb appeal. If home values are half million and up, pool needs to look the part. Looking to replace the original pool furniture, paint, use the remaining Saddlebrooke sign, add logo to columns. Motion to move forward with this expense, may need to spread it out over a few years. Brenda VandeBos 1st, Matt Farris 2nd, all approved.

-Joco is moving from a 20 page to 200 page rule book for pools. This will include many changes over the next few years. Will include signage, phone lines, cpr posters, fence height, chemical tests and water cleanliness.


-Deed questionnaire post card response: 3 questions: Leases, Roofs, Awnings

-Corporate leased property is a delicate legal issue. Postcard sent to all residents asking to consider a deed change to require home-owners live on property prior to renting.

-84 postcards received out of 141.

-Further discussion to move forward with motions under new business


-Leased properties. Postcard 59 yes 25 no

HO Question: Concerns with Uhaul constant fixture on 50th. Are renters

Still there? Also concerns with multiple dogs not on leashes running the

Area. Shawn and Kristin to make an introduction and get specifics on new

Tenant after the first of the week.

-To regulate leases it is strictly regulating time.

-Motion to move forward; Tom Swanson 1st, Sharon Larkin 2nd, all approved

-Roofs. 79 yes and 9 no postcard response

Looking to keep up with the shingle changes including weight and impact resistance. By laws currently do not allow this shingle and it is costing home owners more money. Shawn feels we need to broaden the scope.

HO question “Will thickness with lower weight look the same”? Answer:

Weight is the archaic way to choose roof. Will reach out to roofers to get

Specifics prior to vote.

HO comment “ Value to our neighborhood to have different roof types.

Homes wills appear custom.”

HO question “will we receive study materials about the roofs?” Answer

Yes, there will be min standards and approved materials. Will be similar

To the city of Leawood. Follow their guidance for standards, performance

And look.

-Motion to move forward with roof changes. Matt 1st, Tom Swanson 2nd, all approved

-Retractable awnings: postcards 66 yes 16 no

Motion to approve awnings. Sharon Larkin 1st, Cecil 2nd, all approved

-Solar panels: Shawn wants to be proactive. Some questions already regarding using solar panels. South facing only. And there are New roof shingles that are solar powered. Again, still would have to be approved by board, case by case basis, follow Leawood for guidance.

HO comment “ concerns to look at them” technology is changing” why

Rush this?

-Motion to explore solar panels. Brenda 1st, Matt Farris 2nd, 3 nays, 6 yays

- 2 board positions available. Introduced Erin and Matt. Asked for any additional home-owners interested in running. There were not. Motion to approve Erin and Matt to the board: Todd Hayes 1st, Sharon Larkin 2nd, all approved.

-Website: Putting out a feeler if anyone interested in running the website. User friendly, simple to use. Could be a teenager for volunteer hours.

Meeting adjourned. Brenda 1st, Matt 2nd all approved

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