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Saturday, January 20, 2024

**These minutes are not official as they have not been presented, read, or approved by a majority vote during the following annual board meeting**

Board Members Present: Kristin Mudgett, Erin Cecil, Jake Nechrebecki, Bridget Peoples

Kristin Mudgett called to order the meeting

Bridget Peoples read minutes from previous annual meeting on January 21st, 2023. 1st Dean Davidson, Rusty Mudgett 2nd, all approved


Opening given by president Kristin Mudgett. Corporate owned property has been sold. This should be the end of corporate owned properties in Saddlebrooke pursuant our bylaws. HOA dues increased this year. The increase in dues, is just to keep up with cost of living increases. This does not provided for improvements to the HOA. The homeowners backing up to Quivira Drive were encouraged to maintain lots to help beauty of entrances. The HOA will continue with the postcard program to encourage home and property improvements. The detention basin needs to have work done that has been mandated by the city. Other neighborhoods have had to deal with this also. It is a work in progress and the current estimate is 15k. This may increase as more information about the scope of work becomes available.

HO question: Could it be paved and help in the long run?

HOA President answer: Unfortunately no. The cat tails will still grow and this is a 3k annual expense. 


TREASURY. Jake Nechrebecki introduced himself and went through FY 2024 balances. He explained savings accounts and balances. Jake discussed moving banks this year and it has improved our interest rates on our saving accounts. Seven houses sold this year in our neighborhood. Jake went through line item spending and reviewed how utilities are our largest expense, trash carrier being the largest subcategory. All approved. Dean Davis 1st, Terry Weihe 2nd.


ARCHITECTURE. Erin Cecil again asked when people make requests for improvements, be specific with product types and paint colors. This will make the process go faster. Tuckpointing and an electrical panel update will happen this year at the enclaves.


LANDSCAPE. Marty was absent and Kristin gave her update. An electrical line was cut and had to be repaired. We are happy with current landscape provider and he has been improving the landscaping. We would like to improve landscaping beds, but with cost on detention basin cost, this will need to be delayed for now. Expect holiday lighting budget to increase.


POOL. Bridget Peoples discussed this past pool season. The sheetrock ceiling in the pump room collapsed and repairs to the was taken from the pool savings fund. Cameras were installed at the pool to help deter unwanted pool behaviors. A reminder to users that underage drinking is illegal and will be reported the local police. Trespassing after hours will also be reported to local police.


OLD BUSINESS. Three positions available. All members retained to current positions by majority vote. No new members interested in volunteering for the position.


NEW BUSINESS. A new directory has been requested by some members of the community. When this was attempted years ago, there was very little response and participation by the community, leaving the project incomplete and unproductive. The cost to print the directory was discussed also. A subcommittee could be created to tackle this project. To create a new directory and subcommittee was brought to a vote. Discussion was had by the group. It was determined to not be in favor. A unanimous vote to NOT create a new directory.


HO question: What is the policy of street parking?

HOA response: 24hrs is the rule, the city of Shawnee can be called if those cars are causing a problem in the street.

HO comment: Thank you to the board for doing the job.

HO comment: Advise and encourage more involvement in the newsletter and keep more wording more direct. Possibly bullet key points.

HO comment: Layout in newsletter what a corporate run HOA would look like, expense wise, and could double annual dues.


The meeting was adjourned by president Kristin Mudgett

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