July 16th 2023 HOA Board Meeting
Sunday, July 16, 2023
10:34 AM
Board Members Present: Kristin Mudgett, Marty Dougherty , Jake Nechrebecki, and Bridget Peoples
Call to Order: Kristin Mudgett, president
Minutes read and approved as read from June 1st, 2023. 1st-Jake, 2nd- Marty
TREASURY- Moving checking accounts to a new bank that pays better interest, has better online interface, and less checking fees. Saving percentage rate and possibility of locking in a CD rate with minimum balance reserved. Treasury report approved. Marty 1st, Bridget 2nd.
ARCHITECTURE- Requests from homeowners for several updates for house and landscaping improvements. Lot on 49th Terrace is mowing lot and will discuss with owner that September 1st is the four month deadline for some permanent landscaping. Discuss at August meeting card program.
POOL- One pump for the main pool broke and had to be replaced at the start of the pool season. The baby pool motor also failed but was under warranty and was replaced. New cameras have been installed at the pool. Two new umbrellas are needed and will be purchased. These were broken and bent at the base from moving tables. Pool furniture should not be dragged. HOA will set solid close date for pool at August meeting.
LANDSCAPING- Future plans for flower beds and design will be sought out by professionals. Will put some feelers out to neighborhood about starting a garden club. This will not only serve as a social club but will help to improve the landscaping. Sign will be posted at pool for interested people to sign up and reach out to Marty. No new projects or damages on landscaping this past month. Marty has been following up with damage done from Evergy to grass areas.
OLD BUSINESS- The board will continue to send postcards for nuanced violations.
NEW BUSINESS- Halloween parade discussed and will be held at Jake's house. Home owners complained to the HOA around July 4th regarding neighbors shooting bottle rockets. These are illegal in Shawnee, and if illegal activity is occurring in the neighborhood, home owners should contact Shawnee police. All basketball goals are regulated by the bylaws and should be permanent. If the basketball goal is mobile and movable it should be moved into the garage when not in use.
Meeting adjourned. 1st-Bridget, 2nd-Kristin . Next meeting, Monday, August 28th at 7pm 2023 at Jake's house.